View devices: You can view a list of all the devices along with details including device serial number, device name, device location, active or inactive status with the number of employees recognized by it.
How to add a device:
Pre-requisite for adding a device: Add location
To add a device follow the below procedure:
- Go to Home > Devices > Device List
- Click on Add New
- Enter the below details:
- Device Serial Number*
- You have to add the serial number mentioned at the back of the Device
- Device Name*
- Create a device name (Example- Kent Cameye-Cam attendance)
- Select location with an address and location ID where the device will be placed
- Device Specific In/Out: This feature basically is to distinguish between the check-in and check-out devices
- While adding a device as well as mapping the employee to the same device, the Device in/out status will be created, and the employee then needs to check in/out to their respective devices mapped by the admin.
- In case an employee check-in through a device containing Out status then in that case the attendance will not be marked, and that particular transaction will be an exception stating Mis Punch.
- Click on Add Device to save device list