This section covers:
This is the first step in the process. You need to add locations where your offices are located across the country. A business can have multiple offices including subsidiaries, sister concern companies, and other such entities, located at different locations. You can add all locations wherever your employees work.
Adding locations in the early stages helps you to add devices, companies, and employees in the later stages.
Adding a Location
To add Locations:
- Go to Home>Master Data>Locations.
- Click Add New in the top right-hand corner to add a new location.
- Enter a Location ID (alphanumeric), and Location Name.
- Enter your address in Address Line 1* and Address Line 2*.
- Enter Postal Code*, City*, and State*.
- Select a Country* from the dropdown.
- Select a suitable Time Zone* from the dropdown.
- Click Submit at the bottom to add a location.
Multiple Locations can be added similarly where the Devices are to be situated. When all locations have been added, you can view the locations in Home > Master Data > Locations.
Import Locations Data
You can also import data directly via an excel/.CSV file.
To import data:
- Click on the Options drop-down in the right-hand side corner. Click Import data.
- Click Download Sample File to download a sample. You can use this file to create a .CSV file on your own.
Sample file format:
- Click Select from Computer to upload the file once you are done. Only xls, xlsx and csv formats are supported.
Search for a location by Location Name or Location ID in the Search bar.
Set the number of Locations you would like to see per page in the bottom right-hand corner.
Editing a Location
To Edit a location:
- Go to Home>Master Data>Locations.
- Click on the three dots
under Actions in front of the location that you want to edit. Click Edit.
When you have edited the location, click Update.
- You may even edit the location by clicking on the location itself. Click Edit
symbol to start editing a location.
- Click Update to update the changes you have made.
Note: All fields are Editable.
Deleting a Location
To Delete a location:
- Go to Home>Master Data>Locations.
- Click on the three dots
under Actions in front of the location that you want to edit. Click Delete.
- A pop-up will appear asking you whether you really want to remove this location.
- Click Delete to delete the location or Cancel to go back.
Next Steps: