Companies in Master Data contain the list of all companies including subsidiaries, sister companies, etc. You need to set up companies to execute further steps. This is the third step in the sequence.
Adding a Company
Follow the below mentioned steps to add Companies.
- To add companies, go to Home>Master Data>Companies.
- Click Add New.
- Enter Company ID* and Company Name*.
- Select one or multiple locations from the dropdown.
- Enter Email* of the company.
- Select a country code from the dropdown.
- Enter Company’s Phone Number.
- Enter your Company’s Address in Address Line 1 and Address Line 2.
- Enter Postal Code, City, and State where the company is located.
- Select a Country* from the dropdown where the company is located.
- Click Submit when you are done.
Multiple companies can be added in the same way.
Editing a Company
To edit a company:
- Go to Home>Master Data>Companies.
- Click on the three dots
under Actions on the right-hand side of your screen. Click Edit.
- Click Update when you are done editing.
Deleting a Company
To delete a company:
- Go to Home>Master Data>Companies.
- Click on the three dots
under Actions on the right-hand side of your screen. Click Delete.
- A pop-up will appear asking you whether you really want to Delete this company.
- Click Delete to delete the company or Cancel to go back.
Next Steps: